Sunday, May 29, 2022

Money Diary #92

Morning: Wake up at 7, pet the dog, and promptly fall back asleep. Wake up around 9:30, migrate to the sofa, and fall asleep again. It's the time of the month, and I am exhausted. 

Afternoon: The next thing I know, it's 12:30. SO heads to the gym, and I move back to bed where the dog joins me. Once SO gets back, I brush my teeth and we head out for the afternoon. First stop is his mom's place to drop off pork and brisket that SO picked up this morning. Afterwards, head to Kroger for more brisket, but this location doesn't have any. Grab 5 barbeque sauces ($4.95). Head to another Kroger for brisket and this location has quite a bit. He grabs one & pays, and then we head back to his mom's to place this 2nd brisket in her freezer. She has started cooking the first one for beef stew, so we need to get another one since he wants to smoke around 30 pounds of brisket next month, lol. Stop by Costco where we get a boba squashmallow, a bathmat, and more barbeque sauce. He pays, we drop stuff off in the car, and then head back to the food court. He grabs a whole pepperoni pizza for our dinner, and I grab us hot dogs ($3.25). We sit next to a dad with 5 kids, and we're amazed at how well behaved they are. Stop by a thrift store for women's clothes and then one final stop at the Kroger closest to us. He gets a third brisket, and then we head home.

Evening: He warms up a couple of slices of pizza for dinner, we walk the dog, and watch TV. He showers, I shower, and then bed around midnight. 

Groceries = $4.95

Eating out = $3.25

Total = $8.20 

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