Morning: Up around 7:30, brush my teeth, and do a work project. A colleague messages me on our office chat and I respond back. Keep an eye out on my inbox and see my boss sends a couple of emails. I message her to see if she's available to chat since I'm wondering if I should've given a different answer to the colleague who messaged me in the morning. Warm up a burrito and pick at it throughout the morning and afternoon. Jump on my noon call & boss sends an invite to chat at 2 pm.
Afternoon: Noon call ends by 1. A couple of emails come in which I review and then jump on my 2 pm call with my boss. I walk through my questions, she confirms that I didn't screw up with my answer in the morning (yay!), and asks if I can attend the 2:30 pm invite that just came in. I jump on the 2:30 meeting, listen in, and it runs until 4. I message my boss a quick note on what was discussed, and since she is out on Friday, I set up a meeting with various stakeholders that I'll be attending. Watch Marriage or Mortgage. Realize I have a 7 am webcast tomorrow, so set an alarm for 6:30. He comes home from work and brings cupcakes. I eat one.
Evening: Take a nap, and he goes to the gym. Shower and use the psoriasis shampoo. Brush my teeth, do the activated charcoal mouthwash, and bed around midnight.
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