Morning: Hear him rustling around 7, and I figure he is getting ready to head out to his sailing club event. The next thing I know, it's 8:45, and he's still in bed for some reason (it was too cold, he tells me, so the sailing event got pushed back to the afternoon). I fall back asleep again and then it's somehow past 10. Stay in bed, huddle under the covers, and read until noon. Here is what I learn:
- On why time matters: You cannot buy good health. You cannot buy time. You cannot buy time with good health.
- On why remote work is good for mental health: Work becomes transactional, and in doing so, breaks the idea that your emotional and personal worth is tied to work.
- On maintaining boundaries: They are not entitled to it just because they are asking.
- When you can't go through the front door, look for a side door: Wellesley students can cross register at MIT. List College students at Jewish Theological Seminary can get a dual degree from Columbia.
- On why privacy is power: What people don't know, they can't ruin.
- On using cash vs credit card: She saves 70% of her income and recognizes that if she paid cash for everything, she'd probably spend even less than she does (and would save a greater amount than the 2% cash back she gets for using her credit card).
- On dealing with people who disrespected you: Don't react. Respond with silence. You will be in control.
- On staying anonymous: If you are already living the life you want, stay anonymous.
- On staying patient while investing: The market transfers wealth from impatient people to patient people.
- When you truly want something: Fight like you're the 3rd monkey in line for Noah's Ark.
- On a realistic view of day-to-day Corporate America: 90% of the job is simply managing around other people's laziness, incompetence, ego, and analysis paralysis.
- On why lifting weights would be a good hobby for me: It's beneficial for my health. You know what's better for investments? Having another healthy year for them to compound.
Afternoon: Brush my teeth around noon and watch him play GT7. Turn on Selling Tampa, split the chicken tendies and fries with him, and work for a bit. He leaves for his sailing event. I send an email, and my boss responds immediately (she is truly a superwoman!). Our 8 am meeting tomorrow gets canceled, YAY! Shower, wash & shampoo my hair, and pour a glass of apple seltzer water. He comes back and wants to head to a motorcycle store since he has a coupon. I change and we head out. Get to the store where he buys motor oil, and then we head back home.
Evening: Watch Friends while he makes Japanese chicken curry and rice. Eat the curry & rice, and OMG, it's so good. He added cornstarch to the curry, so it's extra thick this time, and I love it. He plays GT7 after dinner, and I lounge around on the couch and do a bit of work. Get a project done that I had been procrastinating on and send it off. Bed around midnight.
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