Morning: Up around 7, brush my teeth, and drink a cup of tea. Jump on my 8:30 call that ends at 9, check email, and sign into my 9:30 meeting. Once that ends at 10, go shower & get ready for my 11 am meeting. That finishes at 11:30 and I eat an early lunch of cauliflower fried rice & aubergine.
Afternoon: Jump on my noon call that runs until 1, eat a couple of Lindor chocolates, and sign into my 2 pm call that runs an hour. I walk around the house a bit, do a coconut oil pull, brush my teeth, and then hear my computer ringing. A colleague calls me, we walk through her request, and I send a follow-up email. Make tea and eat a coffee cracker. I also read why index funds are the way to go: "the big winners of tomorrow are really hard to identify for an investor. But, as success unfolds, the cap weighting will automatically get you on the bus."
Evening: A friend from the old job texts me and we chat for an hour. SO texts that my favorite burger place has a new burger (with coupon!!), and I immediately ask if he can ask his mom and his other friend for their coupons as well, lol. Dinner is cauliflower fried rice, aubergine, and air-fried shrimp. Do a coconut oil pull, brush my teeth, and bed around 10:30.
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