Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Money Diary #45

Morning: Can't sleep and I'm awake by 3:40. Decide to get up and shower. Straighten my hair, get dressed for work, and listen to music. Meet manager at 7:30 to head to Starbucks. She gets an oatmeal, coffee, and water. I just get a water since my tummy is very excited/nervous. Get to work and it's a beautiful campus. Start doing work until my 10 am call. He is a senior leader at the company and gives me good advice regarding next steps using a Blackberry/Apple analogy. Jump on another call and do more work. Find my manager who introduces me to people as they stop by. Meet my manager's manager and then we walk downstairs for lunch.

Afternoon: Lunch is salmon, pasta, asparagus, ground beef with sour cream, and part of a grilled cheese/tomato soup combo. Listen to the meeting about the upcoming changes and feel anxious. Afterwards, talk to a senior leader about an area I'm interested in. Manager had arranged a meeting between her manager and myself, so I attend that and it's nice to meet her in person. We talk about what I'm interested in for the future, and I leave feeling energized. I text manager that my decision not to get coffee in the morning after waking up so early is finally hitting me now, lol. Eat a cookie and try to do more work, but I read the same paragraph over & over for an hour and realize it's time to call it a day. Manager texts that her late afternoon call got pushed past 5 so we might be here a bit later than expected. I so respect that about her. Her call finishes around 6 and we head back to the hotel.

Evening: Wash my face, change into a hoodie & flats, and head to dinner around 7. We go to a nearby steakhouse and I remark how nice this town is. She gets a chicken salad, tomato soup, and risotto. I get a filet mignon with mashed potatoes and a shrimp skewer. We chat for over 2 hours and she gives me a lot of good things to think about. Back at the hotel around 9, send off an email, and bed at 10.

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