Monday, March 21, 2022

Money Diary #24

Morning: On a big struggle bus this morning and see it's 7:30. I sit in bed and check email on my phone. Turn on laptop, complete a training, and start working on things that have come in. Eat a few toasted & buttered Hawaiian rolls and continue working. Take a quick shower, and eat an early lunch of an Amy's burrito since my afternoon is full of meetings. I haven't had Amy's in a few years, and it's pretty tasty. SO texts on whether I'd like to go on a day trip next month to visit a friend of his in a nearby city. Prepare for my noon meeting.  

Afternoon: Meetings run until 3, and oof, I'm tired. A colleague is going out on leave, and my manager asks if I'm interested in one of the projects she is leading. It's definitely an interest of mine, so I make a note to look into it further. A snack break of afternoon tea and fish sticks and then back to work for a couple more hours. Split a Toblerone bar with Mom. Schedule some time during the week to finish off one of the bigger projects will take some time to review. 

Evening: Thunderstorms start outside, and I listen to the rain while reading. Here is what I learn:

  • On what is the ultimate freedom: "I am financially independent. I don't need a job, so I don't have to put up with any employer that I don't want to work with. And, that is the ultimate freedom."
  • On monetizing: "Find a way to monetize your dopamine addiction."

Dinner is on the new Corelle plates with cauliflower rice and the last bit of spicy fish & onion curry. I'm really beat for the day, brush my teeth, and head to bed early at 9:30.

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