Monday, February 28, 2022

Money Diary #3

Morning: I hear my work phone pinging with the sounds of email notifications. I roll over, check my email, and see that it's 6:15. Promptly hide under the covers. He hears me rustling, goes to turn on his laptop, and comes back to bed. A bit before 8, he goes to take out the trash and crashes back into bed. He finally gets up a little after 8, gets dressed, and kisses me goodbye. Finally get out of bed and walk the 10 steps to my laptop. I work from home, and I love it. Meetings are super efficient, I really like the work that I do, and as icing on the cake, I'm in comfy sweats all day. I read over a few emails, see a couple of meetings on tap for the afternoon, and settle in with a Wall Street Journal article talking about how people are "basically going about every facet of their daily lives from the Before Times, except coming into work." Turn on Netflix in the background (Marriage or Mortgage), brush teeth & Listerine, and sign into a Zoom meditation class. Try it for a few minutes and realize my mind is racing, so I log off and will try again another day. Read a millionaire interview where the interviewee worked remotely for the last part of her career. She notes her efficiency in getting things done by being driven to anticipate things that will come up and how that plays into her ability to address things on time or beforehand. I had signed up for the Tollhouse Cafe email list and see that I've gotten a coupon. Forward that to SO for him to print and hopefully we can go again this weekend!

Afternoon: An email comes in about a meeting tomorrow. I prep for that meeting and then shower so I'm camera ready for my afternoon Zoom meetings. It looks like tomorrow's meeting might get canceled, and I draft up some notes for when the meeting does happen. Jump on my back-to-back Zoom calls. My boss is on both calls, and it's great to see her. I really enjoy working for and learning from her. After the second call, she calls me and we chat/laugh about how the last meeting went. So grateful to be on her team! I decide to do a workout, and after years of not lifting weights, I do the Tone It Up Bikini arms workout. After doing it, I am exhausted and pass out on the couch. Look at my calendar for tomorrow. I have a morning meeting with an international colleague for a potential development opportunity and then my weekly call with my boss. Prep for the meeting with my boss and then I'm about to call it a day when a project comes in. I quickly look at it, decide to do a part of it later in the evening, and then hold some time tomorrow to finish it up. SO texts that he is coming home with cupcakes, YAY!! 

Evening: I'm starving and eat a couple of slices of pepperoni pizza. Play the first Harry Potter in the background, and when he gets home, I eat the King cake cupcake he brought back. It's so tasty! An email comes in, so I briefly log back on to answer it. I am a huge believer of Inbox Zero, so I try to answer emails as quickly as they come in (to the extent possible). He wants to go to the gym, so I get dressed (sweats, sweatshirt, jacket, and baseball cap), bag up my laptop, and we head out. While he works out, I review the work project and almost finish it when he gets done. We head to the nearby Alberstons next because he wants to see if the Bang hard seltzers are on sale. They're out at this store so we go to one a bit farther away. He gets two packages there along with 4 more sodas. Come back home and finish the work project. Have a bite of his pulled pork and then pour myself a glass of tangerine seltzer water. Watch the second Hobbit movie, read an Australian Money Diary, and bed around midnight. 

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